Does Chipolo support Google’s Find My Device network?

Does Chipolo support Google’s Find My Device network?

Quick answer:
Yes, some Chipolo trackers support Google Find My Device, but only the One Point and Card Point versions.

Smart trackers have come a long way, evolving to be more compact, easier to replace and recharge, and more precise over the years. Chipolo was among the first companies to announce its support for the Google Find My Device network, and it has since become available in limited numbers. Chipolo’s One Point smart tracker, alongside other compatible devices from different manufacturers, will become available in May 2024, opening the door for seamless device tracking for Android users.

The Google Find My Device network was set back by several months of delays, which the company states were necessary to ensure that high privacy and security standards were met. Google says it did extensive research to ensure that no updates were needed to the standard and wanted it to work flawlessly without issues the moment it was released to the public.


Google finally launches its Find My Device network

The company cites privacy and security concerns as the cause of the delay

What is Google Find My Device Network?

A photo of the Chipolo One being held in someone's left hand, while the right hand holds a smartphone that is tracking it

Source: Chipolo

The Google Find My Device network is a Bluetooth-powered location tracking network for Android devices, similar to Apple’s solution for AirTags.

The network relies on billions of Android 9+ devices that work together to help locate lost belongings and items left behind, such as smartphones, wallets, bags, compatible headphones, earbuds, and other objects. These small devices can seamlessly and safely – while protecting the user’s confidential information – communicate with each other, and help owners relocate lost belongings.

This is where the Google and Apple Find My Device networks play an important role, as other manufacturers have not yet built out similar systems that could work as extensively, on billions of devices. Google also shared that Android users will be able to opt-in, change how much they contribute to the network, or opt-out altogether.

The network will also have various safety systems built in, preventing unknown trackers from following you by sounding an alarm or sending you a notification if anyone ever tries to track you without your consent and knowledge.

Which Chipolo smart trackers support Google Find My Device network?

person holding a Chipolo one smart tag attached to keys and a smartphone

Source: Chipolo

While Chipolo has a range of trackers, not all of them support Google Find My Device. In fact, only two do: the One Point and Card Point. Make sure you don’t buy the regular One or Card, or even the Apple-centric One Spot and Card Spot, as they won’t support Google’s new network.

Both Point trackers are currently only available to pre-order, though since Google has announced that third-party Find My Device Bluetooth tags will become available in May 2024, you shouldn’t have to wait long to get your hands on one of the compatible devices.

Additionally, the network will initially be only available in the US and Canada, meaning international users might have to wait even longer.

Chipolo One Point smart tracker on a white background

Chipolo One Point

Supports Google Find My Device

An inexpensive smart tag

The Chipolo One Point smart tag supports the Google Find My Device network, enabling you to seamlessly, and precisely track your belongings. The device is water-resistant, has a replaceable battery, and can easily attach to a variety of bags and keyrings. It’s currently up for pre-orders on Chipolo’s website, expected to ship later in 2024.

Of course, if you don’t want to wait, or you want a smart tracker right now, you might want to pick up a tracker from from Tile, Chipolo, Samsung, or Eufy.

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