Google TV will soon recommend what you should watch using AI

Google TV will soon recommend what you should watch using AI


  • Gemini AI is expanding, now offering AI-generated content recommendations for Google TV to enhance user experiences.
  • Personalized AI-based recommendations on Google TV aim to simplify content searching and offer tailored suggestions based on user preferences.
  • The introduction of Gemini AI on Google TV is part of Google’s overarching AI strategy to improve user experiences across its product portfolio.

Gemini AI is the hottest buzzword around Google products these days. The AI chatbot is rapidly expanding its role and availability in the company’s various services and apps to automate tedious tasks and enhance the user experience. As it turns out, Gemini AI’s expansion is not over yet, and Google TV is another service to get a touch of its AI initiatives.


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The announcement was made at Google’s I/O 2024 event, a venue where Google pulled back the curtain on its latest Pixel devices and AI products. Most of Google’s AI advancements revealed at I/O 2024 revolved around Gemini AI and how it can reshape customers’ experiences with Google products. This aligns with Google’s overarching AI strategy of leveraging AI to enhance user experiences across its product portfolio. As for Google’s popular smart TV platform, Gemini AI is here to bring AI-based recommendations to your living room.

Gemini AI will produce content recommendations for Google TV

Traditionally, content recommendations on Google TV were based on your watchlist, watch activity, and connected streaming services. But now, with the integration of Gemini AI, these recommendations are set to become even smarter. For instance, if you’re a fan of action movies, Gemini AI might recommend a new action-packed series that just premiered. No more time wasted on searching for content or adjusting preferences. Gemini AI will do the heavy lifting, providing you with tailored AI-based recommendations.

A Samsung smartphone sitting on a mixing bowl, showing a recipe for an omelette in Google Gemini

Google is taking personalization to the next level with AI-generated descriptions on the home screen. Your content-picking experience can be tailored to your genre and actor preferences. Gemini AI also steps in to fill in missing or untranslated descriptions, ensuring you find content that aligns with your tastes. It’s like having a personal assistant for your TV viewing.

Searching for new content on Google TV could be time-consuming, and Gemini AI aims to make it hassle-free. However, it’s important to note that AI-based recommendations are not foolproof and may not always align perfectly with your preferences. It remains to be seen how relevant and accurate those AI-based recommendations on Google TV would be.

As part of the 2024 I/O event, Google also unveiled the Flash version of Gemini, which is primarily designed to provide users with quick responses for their smaller tasks. Given the current trajectory, we can anticipate more Gemini AI features landing on Google TV, promising to create a personalized experience for viewers. This future potential for Gemini AI is something to be hopeful and excited about.

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